Source code for mobly.controllers.android_device_lib.jsonrpc_client_base

# Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Base class for clients that communicate with apps over a JSON RPC interface.

The JSON protocol expected by this module is:

.. code-block:: json

    "id": <monotonically increasing integer containing the ID of
         this request>
    "method": <string containing the name of the method to execute>
    "params": <JSON array containing the arguments to the method>

    "id": <int id of request that this response maps to>,
    "result": <Arbitrary JSON object containing the result of
           executing the method. If the method could not be
           executed or returned void, contains 'null'.>,
    "error": <String containing the error thrown by executing the
          method. If no error occurred, contains 'null'.>
    "callback": <String that represents a callback ID used to
           identify events associated with a particular
           CallbackHandler object.>

# When the Python library `socket.create_connection` call is made, it indirectly
# calls `import encodings.idna` through the `socket.getaddrinfo` method.
# However, this chain of function calls is apparently not thread-safe in
# embedded Python environments. So, pre-emptively import and cache the encoder.
# See for more details.
  import encodings.idna
except ImportError:
  # Some implementations of Python (e.g. IronPython) do not support the`idna`
  # encoding, so ignore import failures based on that.

import abc
import json
import socket
import threading

from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import callback_handler
from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import errors

# UID of the 'unknown' jsonrpc session. Will cause creation of a new session.

# Maximum time to wait for the socket to open on the device.

# Maximum time to wait for a response message on the socket.

# Maximum logging length of Rpc response in DEBUG level when verbose logging is
# off.

[docs]class Error(errors.DeviceError): pass
[docs]class AppStartError(Error): """Raised when the app is not able to be started."""
[docs]class AppRestoreConnectionError(Error): """Raised when failed to restore app from disconnection."""
[docs]class ApiError(Error): """Raised when remote API reports an error."""
[docs]class ProtocolError(Error): """Raised when there is some error in exchanging data with server.""" NO_RESPONSE_FROM_HANDSHAKE = 'No response from handshake.' NO_RESPONSE_FROM_SERVER = ('No response from server. ' 'Check the device logcat for crashes.') MISMATCHED_API_ID = 'RPC request-response ID mismatch.'
[docs]class JsonRpcCommand: """Commands that can be invoked on all jsonrpc clients. INIT: Initializes a new session. CONTINUE: Creates a connection. """ INIT = 'initiate' CONTINUE = 'continue'
[docs]class JsonRpcClientBase(abc.ABC): """Base class for jsonrpc clients that connect to remote servers. Connects to a remote device running a jsonrpc-compatible app. Before opening a connection a port forward must be setup to go over usb. This be done using adb.forward([local, remote]). Once the port has been forwarded it can be used in this object as the port of communication. Attributes: host_port: (int) The host port of this RPC client. device_port: (int) The device port of this RPC client. app_name: (str) The user-visible name of the app being communicated with. uid: (int) The uid of this session. """ def __init__(self, app_name, ad): """ Args: app_name: (str) The user-visible name of the app being communicated with. ad: (AndroidDevice) The device object associated with a client. """ self.host_port = None self.device_port = None self.app_name = app_name self._ad = ad self.log = self._ad.log self.uid = None self._client = None # prevent close errors on connect failure self._conn = None self._counter = None self._lock = threading.Lock() self._event_client = None self.verbose_logging = True def __del__(self): self.disconnect() # Methods to be implemented by subclasses.
[docs] def start_app_and_connect(self): """Starts the server app on the android device and connects to it. After this, the self.host_port and self.device_port attributes must be set. Must be implemented by subclasses. Raises: AppStartError: When the app was not able to be started. """
[docs] def stop_app(self): """Kills any running instance of the app. Must be implemented by subclasses. """
[docs] def restore_app_connection(self, port=None): """Reconnects to the app after device USB was disconnected. Instead of creating new instance of the client: - Uses the given port (or finds a new available host_port if none is given). - Tries to connect to remote server with selected port. Must be implemented by subclasses. Args: port: If given, this is the host port from which to connect to remote device port. If not provided, find a new available port as host port. Raises: AppRestoreConnectionError: When the app was not able to be reconnected. """
def _start_event_client(self): """Starts a separate JsonRpc client to the same session for propagating events. This is an optional function that should only implement if the client utilizes the snippet event mechanism. Returns: A JsonRpc Client object that connects to the same session as the one on which this function is called. """ # Rest of the client methods.
[docs] def connect(self, uid=UNKNOWN_UID, cmd=JsonRpcCommand.INIT): """Opens a connection to a JSON RPC server. Opens a connection to a remote client. The connection attempt will time out if it takes longer than _SOCKET_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT seconds. Each subsequent operation over this socket will time out after _SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT seconds as well. Args: uid: int, The uid of the session to join, or UNKNOWN_UID to start a new session. cmd: JsonRpcCommand, The command to use for creating the connection. Raises: IOError: Raised when the socket times out from io error socket.timeout: Raised when the socket waits to long for connection. ProtocolError: Raised when there is an error in the protocol. """ self._counter = self._id_counter() try: self._conn = socket.create_connection(('localhost', self.host_port), _SOCKET_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) except ConnectionRefusedError as err: # Retry using '' for IPv4 enabled machines that only resolve # 'localhost' to '[::1]'. self.log.debug( 'Failed to connect to localhost, trying {}'.format( str(err))) self._conn = socket.create_connection(('', self.host_port), _SOCKET_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) self._conn.settimeout(_SOCKET_READ_TIMEOUT) self._client = self._conn.makefile(mode='brw') resp = self._cmd(cmd, uid) if not resp: raise ProtocolError(self._ad, ProtocolError.NO_RESPONSE_FROM_HANDSHAKE) result = json.loads(str(resp, encoding='utf8')) if result['status']: self.uid = result['uid'] else: self.uid = UNKNOWN_UID
[docs] def disconnect(self): """Close the connection to the snippet server on the device. This is a unilateral disconnect from the client side, without tearing down the snippet server running on the device. The connection to the snippet server can be re-established by calling `SnippetClient.restore_app_connection`. """ try: if self._conn: self._conn.close() self._conn = None finally: # Always clear the host port as part of the disconnect step. self.clear_host_port()
[docs] def clear_host_port(self): """Stops the adb port forwarding of the host port used by this client. """ if self.host_port: self._ad.adb.forward(['--remove', 'tcp:%d' % self.host_port]) self.host_port = None
def _client_send(self, msg): """Sends an Rpc message through the connection. Args: msg: string, the message to send. Raises: Error: a socket error occurred during the send. """ try: self._client.write(msg.encode("utf8") + b'\n') self._client.flush() self.log.debug('Snippet sent %s.', msg) except socket.error as e: raise Error( self._ad, 'Encountered socket error "%s" sending RPC message "%s"' % (e, msg)) def _client_receive(self): """Receives the server's response of an Rpc message. Returns: Raw byte string of the response. Raises: Error: a socket error occurred during the read. """ try: response = self._client.readline() if self.verbose_logging: self.log.debug('Snippet received: %s', response) else: if _MAX_RPC_RESP_LOGGING_LENGTH >= len(response): self.log.debug('Snippet received: %s', response) else: self.log.debug('Snippet received: %s... %d chars are truncated', response[:_MAX_RPC_RESP_LOGGING_LENGTH], len(response) - _MAX_RPC_RESP_LOGGING_LENGTH) return response except socket.error as e: raise Error(self._ad, 'Encountered socket error reading RPC response "%s"' % e) def _cmd(self, command, uid=None): """Send a command to the server. Args: command: str, The name of the command to execute. uid: int, the uid of the session to send the command to. Returns: The line that was written back. """ if not uid: uid = self.uid self._client_send(json.dumps({'cmd': command, 'uid': uid})) return self._client_receive() def _rpc(self, method, *args): """Sends an rpc to the app. Args: method: str, The name of the method to execute. args: any, The args of the method. Returns: The result of the rpc. Raises: ProtocolError: Something went wrong with the protocol. ApiError: The rpc went through, however executed with errors. """ with self._lock: apiid = next(self._counter) data = {'id': apiid, 'method': method, 'params': args} request = json.dumps(data) self._client_send(request) response = self._client_receive() if not response: raise ProtocolError(self._ad, ProtocolError.NO_RESPONSE_FROM_SERVER) result = json.loads(str(response, encoding='utf8')) if result['error']: raise ApiError(self._ad, result['error']) if result['id'] != apiid: raise ProtocolError(self._ad, ProtocolError.MISMATCHED_API_ID) if result.get('callback') is not None: if self._event_client is None: self._event_client = self._start_event_client() return callback_handler.CallbackHandler(callback_id=result['callback'], event_client=self._event_client, ret_value=result['result'], method_name=method, ad=self._ad) return result['result']
[docs] def disable_hidden_api_blacklist(self): """If necessary and possible, disables hidden api blacklist.""" version_codename = self._ad.build_info['build_version_codename'] sdk_version = int(self._ad.build_info['build_version_sdk']) # we check version_codename in addition to sdk_version because P builds # in development report sdk_version 27, but still enforce the blacklist. if self._ad.is_rootable and (sdk_version >= 28 or version_codename == 'P'): 'settings put global hidden_api_blacklist_exemptions "*"')
def __getattr__(self, name): """Wrapper for python magic to turn method calls into RPC calls.""" def rpc_call(*args): return self._rpc(name, *args) return rpc_call def _id_counter(self): i = 0 while True: yield i i += 1
[docs] def set_snippet_client_verbose_logging(self, verbose): """Switches verbose logging. True for logging full RPC response. By default it will only write max_rpc_return_value_length for Rpc return strings. If you need to see full message returned from Rpc, please turn on verbose logging. max_rpc_return_value_length will set to 1024 by default, the length contains full Rpc response in Json format, included 1st element "id". Args: verbose: bool. If True, turns on verbose logging, if False turns off """'Set verbose logging to %s.', verbose) self.verbose_logging = verbose