Source code for mobly.controllers.android_device_lib.service_manager

# Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Module for the manager of services."""
# TODO(xpconanfan: move the device errors to a more generic location so
# other device controllers like iOS can share it.
import collections
import contextlib
import inspect

from mobly import expects
from mobly.controllers.android_device_lib import errors
from import base_service

[docs]class Error(errors.DeviceError): """Root error type for this module."""
[docs]class ServiceManager(object): """Manager for services of AndroidDevice. A service is a long running process that involves an Android device, like adb logcat or Snippet. """ def __init__(self, device): self._service_objects = collections.OrderedDict() self._device = device
[docs] def has_service_by_name(self, name): """Checks if the manager has a service registered with a specific name. Args: name: string, the name to look for. Returns: True if a service is registered with the specified name, False otherwise. """ return name in self._service_objects
@property def is_any_alive(self): """True if any service is alive; False otherwise.""" for service in self._service_objects.values(): if service.is_alive: return True return False
[docs] def register(self, alias, service_class, configs=None, start_service=True): """Registers a service. This will create a service instance, starts the service, and adds the instance to the mananger. Args: alias: string, the alias for this instance. service_class: class, the service class to instantiate. configs: (optional) config object to pass to the service class's constructor. start_service: bool, whether to start the service instance or not. Default is True. """ if not inspect.isclass(service_class): raise Error(self._device, '"%s" is not a class!' % service_class) if not issubclass(service_class, base_service.BaseService): raise Error( self._device, 'Class %s is not a subclass of BaseService!' % service_class) if alias in self._service_objects: raise Error( self._device, 'A service is already registered with alias "%s".' % alias) service_obj = service_class(self._device, configs) service_obj.alias = alias if start_service: service_obj.start() self._service_objects[alias] = service_obj
[docs] def unregister(self, alias): """Unregisters a service instance. Stops a service and removes it from the manager. Args: alias: string, the alias of the service instance to unregister. """ if alias not in self._service_objects: raise Error(self._device, 'No service is registered with alias "%s".' % alias) service_obj = self._service_objects.pop(alias) if service_obj.is_alive: with expects.expect_no_raises( 'Failed to stop service instance "%s".' % alias): service_obj.stop()
[docs] def for_each(self, func): """Executes a function with all registered services. Args: func: function, the function to execute. This function should take a service object as args. """ aliases = list(self._service_objects.keys()) for alias in aliases: with expects.expect_no_raises( 'Failed to execute "%s" for service "%s".' % (func.__name__, alias)): func(self._service_objects[alias])
[docs] def list_live_services(self): """Lists the aliases of all the services that are alive. Order of this list is determined by the order the services are registered in. Returns: list of strings, the aliases of the services that are running. """ aliases = [] self.for_each(lambda service: aliases.append(service.alias) if service.is_alive else None) return aliases
[docs] def create_output_excerpts_all(self, test_info): """Creates output excerpts from all services. This calls `create_output_excerpts` on all registered services. Args: test_info: RuntimeTestInfo, the test info associated with the scope of the excerpts. Returns: Dict, keys are the names of the services, values are the paths to the excerpt files created by the corresponding services. """ excerpt_paths = {} def create_output_excerpts_for_one(service): if not service.is_alive: return paths = service.create_output_excerpts(test_info) excerpt_paths[service.alias] = paths self.for_each(create_output_excerpts_for_one) return excerpt_paths
[docs] def unregister_all(self): """Safely unregisters all active instances. Errors occurred here will be recorded but not raised. """ aliases = list(self._service_objects.keys()) for alias in aliases: self.unregister(alias)
[docs] def start_all(self): """Starts all inactive service instances. Services will be started in the order they were registered. """ for alias, service in self._service_objects.items(): if not service.is_alive: with expects.expect_no_raises('Failed to start service "%s".' % alias): service.start()
[docs] def start_services(self, service_alises): """Starts the specified services. Services will be started in the order specified by the input list. No-op for services that are already running. Args: service_alises: list of strings, the aliases of services to start. """ for name in service_alises: if name not in self._service_objects: raise Error( self._device, 'No service is registered under the name "%s", cannot start.' % name) service = self._service_objects[name] if not service.is_alive: service.start()
[docs] def stop_all(self): """Stops all active service instances. Services will be stopped in the reverse order they were registered. """ # OrdereDict#items does not return a sequence in Python 3.4, so we have # to do a list conversion here. for alias, service in reversed(list(self._service_objects.items())): if service.is_alive: with expects.expect_no_raises('Failed to stop service "%s".' % alias): service.stop()
[docs] def pause_all(self): """Pauses all service instances. Services will be paused in the reverse order they were registered. """ # OrdereDict#items does not return a sequence in Python 3.4, so we have # to do a list conversion here. for alias, service in reversed(list(self._service_objects.items())): with expects.expect_no_raises('Failed to pause service "%s".' % alias): service.pause()
[docs] def resume_all(self): """Resumes all service instances. Services will be resumed in the order they were registered. """ for alias, service in self._service_objects.items(): with expects.expect_no_raises('Failed to resume service "%s".' % alias): service.resume()
[docs] def resume_services(self, service_alises): """Resumes the specified services. Services will be resumed in the order specified by the input list. Args: service_alises: list of strings, the names of services to start. """ for name in service_alises: if name not in self._service_objects: raise Error( self._device, 'No service is registered under the name "%s", cannot resume.' % name) service = self._service_objects[name] service.resume()
def __getattr__(self, name): """Syntactic sugar to enable direct access of service objects by alias. Args: name: string, the alias a service object was registered under. """ if self.has_service_by_name(name): return self._service_objects[name] return self.__getattribute__(name)